Thursday, February 3, 2011

We’re really here!

We’re really here!” is the phrase I have unofficially chosen to repeat over and over again in the past 12 hours we have been in Port Elizabeth.  After about a year and a half of preparation, the next four months of craziness and excitement have finally arrived.

Greetings friends and family!  I hope everyone is doing well in the Minnesota weather.  As much as I miss all of you, I can’t say I miss the snow too much.  Getting off the plane in Port Elizabeth (PE) was the first taste of South African life.  The 75 degree weather felt a lot hotter than I expected, but PE, also known as “The Windy City,” comes with a nice breeze that makes up for it. 

My last few days in Minnesota were full of mixed emotions.  How can one person be excited, anxious, scared and sad all at the same time?  Packing was an adventure in itself, but thanks to mom and dad I got it done with time to spare. 

The plane ride was much easier than expected.  From Minneapolis, I began traveling with a group of 8.  By the time we arrived in PE, the group had grown to 16, which made the 24 hour total travel time seem a lot shorter.  On the long flights we had personal touch screen tvs and I was very fortunate enough to have open seats on both sides of me.

After a late night of unpacking and little sleep, I woke up to the sounds of the bustling city and ate breakfast on our balcony overlooking the ocean.  Just a brisk walk across the street and we found the beach, a swimming pool and street vendors selling beautiful African artwork.  We hit up the ATM for some South African cash called Rand and went grocery shopping.  We will have to get creative with our limited kitchen supplies.  There are very few dishes and cooking utensils. 
Tomorrow morning we will be taken to Bush Camp for orientation.  We will camp out for two nights in the African bush, do some team building activities and return on Sunday.  We are supposed to pack clothes that can get dirty and beat up.  That is the only clue we have right now as to what Bush Camp will entail…so until then, thanks for all of the well wishes and I will stay safe – promise!

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